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不被動搖的平安 The Unshakable Peace

我們的祖先繪聲繪影地描述令人害怕的農曆七月,周圍的世界至今仍跟著驚慌。現在,因為耶穌的救恩,我們可以得自由,因為耶穌,我們宣告農曆七月是平安月! The panic over the haunting lunar July depicted by our ancestors still follows the world today. However, through the salvation of Jesus, we are […]

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真實的富足 True Abundance

天父無盡的愛,好似日光照耀,使我們在基督裡能飽嚐祂的恩惠,領受真實的富足! The infinite love of our Heavenly Father radiates as the daylight, bathing us in divine grace and true abundance in Christ. 【詩篇 34:9-10】 耶和華的聖民哪,你們當敬畏他,因敬畏他的一無所缺。少壯獅子還缺食忍餓,但尋求耶和華的,什麼好處都不缺。 […]

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